Twopresents Limited

- 機構
- Twopresents Limited
- 官方網站
- 電子郵件
- 資金來源
- 社創基金
Twopresents is an online invitation and fundraising platform. Its mission is to teach children to become socially and environmentally aware while nurturing compassion and empathy. Twopresents lets children share their birthday celebrations with worthy causes in Hong Kong and give back to the local Hong Kong community. Twopresents aims to make celebrations more meaningful by reducing gift/packaging waste, supporting charities and creating awareness in the community about important social and environmental issues.
The Twopresents platform allows celebrants to invite their guests to contribute gift money online into their gift/charity fund. Instead of bringing gifts, the guests have the option to contribute gift money online towards the chosen charity or the wished gift. The funds collected is then split in two parts: one part is for the celebrant to buy his/her wished gift and the other part of the fund is donated to a charity of his/her choice. The celebrant can visit his/her chosen charity to see how their donation is making a difference.