
Lifedb Limited
2117 6717
Website (Official)
Funding Sources
  • Self-funded/Crowdfunding

Our organasation concern about the quality of residential care homes for the elderly and their agency services in Hong Kong. In the cases we interviewed, most of the elderly were unable to find a suitable residential care home due to various reasons. However, we firmly believe that allowing the elderly to have the right to choose how to spend their later years is a social responsibility that we should be able to fulfill now. LifeDB serves the elderly and their care givers with our heart, and our computer information technology to help the elderly and their families finding a comfortable lifestyle.
LifeDB provide nursing home referral agency services to elderly family for free. Our service team is composed of senior social workers and professional consultants. With years of experience in handling elderly cases and matching services, we absolutely understand the various needs and accommodation requirements of the elderly and their families, and we are able to provide professional advice to arrange admission to various types of care homes.

Products and Services

The elderly and their families can make enquires on LifeDB's website system or call our LifeDB consultants to gather information of various residential care homes in Hong Kong. The LifeDB consultants will also answer different questions about elderly services in Hong Kong. Consultants will find out the needs of the elderly, accompany the elderly and their families to make appointments with suitable homes, and visit them in person. LifeDB consultants will accompany the elderly and their families to through out the whole process of choosing suitable care home. LifeDB will also visit care homes from time to time and make sure that the elderly can live a healthy and happy life.