Teen Future Association Co. Ltd

Teen Future Association Co. Ltd
Website (Official)
http://1) https://teenfuture.net/ 2) https://www.teenfuture.academy/
Funding Sources
  • Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund
  • Self-funded/Crowdfunding

Teen Future - Founded in 2015 as a Social Enterprise.
Teen Future Academy - funded by Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Development Fund in 2022, accelerating to build up IT Learning Ecosystem

Social Mission:"NUTURE" future generation with IT skillset & pave them the way with"RESPECT", contribute back to society for "GROWTH". Teen Future / Teen Future Academy aim at setting up IT Learning Ecosystem with sustainability

Business Model: Tripartite Collaborative Model (“TCM”) to align the missions of commercial enterprises, NGOs and social enterprises to achieve 3 wins outcomes in terms of financial interest and social impacts.

Products and Services

1) Apps /Website / Blockchain /System / cybersecurity QA, 2) Software Development, 3) Customer Services, 4) Project Management 5) Job tasting workshop, 6) IT training bootcamp 7) IT Outsource 8) IT secondment