Green Skies Company Limited

- Parent Company / Organisation
- Green Skies Company Limited
- Phone
- 54627440
- Website (Official)
- Website (Online Shop)
Green Skies is a social enterprise specially created to offer employment
opportunities to autistic individuals.
“Aquaponics” – a sustainable farming method raising fish and
vegetables in a closed-loop system, echoes our belief that “Life
Impacts Life”. The symbiotic relationship between fish and plant is
comparable to mutual cooperation between autistic individuals and the
general public. It is our hope that through aquaponics, the community
can support sustainable agriculture, promote green living, help autistic
youths integrate in the community and establish future development
Products and Services
System Construction
A professional team designs and builds the most suitable and high-yielding aquaponics system for customers that goes beyond the land limitation of traditional agriculture to educate the food production cycle through the linkage of fish, vegetables and Green Skies all while practicing a sustainable lifestyle.
We focus on fostering and encouraging a green lifestyle in schools and communities in hopes of building a positive mindset through education to protect our Earth together.
As we face the issue of global warming alongside with food shortage and safety, we need to find a sustainable lifestyle to make a difference. Through farm tours and lighthearted workshops, we try to bring out life education through aquaponics and to lead participants to reflect on the concept of ‘life’. So, to better understand the relationship of human and nature and to appreciate the connection between aquaponics and future food sources.
Aquaponics is a system that requires the application of difference sciences, which mainly involves biology, chemistry, physics, ecology, math, home economics and environmental/life sciences to build and for the system to work accordingly. We specialized a series of engaging STEM courses for school to act in concert with the aquaponics system made in school. The programme aims at leading students to explore the theory and practice of science and technology behind aquaponics in hopes of promoting student’s interest and effectiveness in learning.
Via the collaboration between social welfare organizations and Green Skies, we create more employment opportunity for autistic teenagers and allow them to develop and exert their ability that are often concealed due to the lack of chances. By developing their interest in aquaponics, we can help those hardworking autistic teens to be aquaponists so the general public can see Them from a whole new perspective.