Ho Ho Go Experience

Parent Company / Organisation
Ho Ho Go Experience Limited
Website (Official)
Website (Online Shop)
Funding Sources
  • Self-funded/Crowdfunding

Established in 2014, Ho Ho Go Experience Limited is a distinguished entity specializing in cultural heritage tours, research, and consultancy work commissioned by the government, educational institutions, and NGOs. A key strength of our organization lies in the diversity of our team, consisting of individuals with a profound understanding and appreciation of the niche areas within their respective professions, including but not limited to heritage and cultural conservation, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, and tourism. This diversity not only enriches our organizational culture but also ensures a comprehensive approach to presenting the cultural heritage of Hong Kong.

Our unwavering commitment is to promoting and preserving cultural heritage through the engaging and informative medium of infotainment.

Products and Services

Organisation of cultural walks and activities, provision of training, consultant and curation service.