SIE Fund's special cohort - Call for innovative proposals addressing mental health and well-being in Hong Kong

Well-being and mental health have become issues of concern, especially under the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertain economic environment. In response to this emerging need, HKCSS’ Impact Incubator is calling for applications from the start-up/ growing/ scale-up stages.

We are looking for projects that aim to address mental health and well-being issues amongst local youth, elderly and other disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong. The projects should also relate to poverty alleviation, prevention or social inclusion.

We will organise a briefing session on 28 September 2021 for potential applicants to find out more details about this special cohort. Besides, two engagement activities are scheduled in September 2021, to help potential applicants understand existing services which addressing issues relevant to mental health and well-being.  

This special cohort opens to organisations and companies (limited by guarantee or limited by shares) to apply. Applicants should submit their applications through the Impact Incubator’s online application system on or before 28 October 2021. Please visit our website for details.


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