SE Directory 2018 fresh off the oven!

As of the end of 2017, there were 654 social enterprise (SE) projects, reflecting a 7.2% growth from the previous year. These social enterprise projects were run by 301 organizations, of which 147 (48.8%) possessed charitable status i.e. exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance; and 154 did not.

Please refer to the related press release for more information, with an attachment with more SE figures (in Chinese only).

You may also want to download SE Directory 2018, or take advantage of our online search engine and mobile app (iOS: and Android: to start patronizing SEs near you and make your spending more meaningful and rewarding!

	社聯社會企業商務中心主管譚穎茜女士(中)於上月發布《社企指南》最新數字,並與「長屋設計」聯合創辦人雷煒程先生(左)及長屋集團主席的張益麟先生合照。
Ms Jessica Tam, Head of Social Enterprise Business Centre of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, announced the latest social enterprise numbers in August 2018. On the left is Mr Lawrence Lui, Co-founder of Longevity Design House and on the right, Mr Alan Cheung, Chairman of The Longevity Group.