The new SE Directory website lists 551 social enterprises to promote ethical consumption and corporate responsibility procurement

Managed by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), the SE Directory has launched a brand-new website with the same name in December 2024 (formerly known as the "Social Enterprise Business Centre"). The upgraded webpage interface and search functionality make it easier for businesses and the public to search for products and services from local social enterprises (SEs). The new website will showcase various SE stories, enabling the public to comprehend the founder’s philosophies and the social objectives of SEs, thus promoting ethical consumption and responsible corporate procurement.

With the introduction of the new SE Directory website, HKCSS recently conducted a comprehensive update of SE data to grasp the development trends and the latest operational scenarios of SEs in Hong Kong. As of 15 December 2024, a total of 551 SE units are listed in the Directory, with 45% being charitable organisations exempt from tax payment under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, while the rest are private entities. Between May 2023 and November 2024, 31 SE units ceased operations, while 39 new SE units were incorporated. Some SE units are no longer listed due to alterations in their business models or non-compliance with the listing requirements of the SE Directory.

Social enterprises embrace both business and specific social objectives. In alignment with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, 20% of SE units are striving towards Goal 8, "Decent Work and Economic Growth", followed by an emphasis on Goal 10, "Reduced Inequality", with the aim to constructing an equitable society and empowering disadvantaged communities. Nearly 60% of SEs employed underprivileged groups in the past year, constituting one-third of the total workforce of 551 SE units, with the highest numbers employed from middle-aged individuals, women, and mental health patients facing employment challenges.

In recent years, the challenging business environment has presented significant hurdles to SE operations. 60% of SE units share their financial status with HKCSS, with nearly half of them operate at a deficit. Most SE leaders believe that financial and operational cost control remains the paramount challenge for SE development, with market factors (e.g. market volatility and competition) standing as significant influencing factor.

Publication Date: 2024-12-24